
  • take someone as a role model
  • look up to someone


Take someone as a role model

「Take someone as a role model」這個英文片語的使用,源於人們對於「role model」這個概念的理解。。

Role model 用法說明

Role model 這個詞是指一個人,通常是因為他們的行為、成就、品格或其他特質,被視為值得模仿或效仿的。這個詞語的使用暗示了一種正面的影響,當某人成為一個 role model 時,他們的行為和價值觀可能會影響和激勵其他人。

Take … as 用法說明

當我們說 take someone as 時,我們是指接受或選擇那個人作為某種角色或代表。這個表達方式表示一種積極的選擇,暗示你是有意識地把某人視為具有某種特定價值或角色的。

因此,當我們結合這兩個部分,take someone as a role model,我們是指一個人有意識地選擇另一個人作為他們的榜樣,並且願意根據那個人的行為、成就或品格來指導自己的行為和決定。



以下為 20 筆使用 take someone as a role model 的中文、英文雙語例句,描述了以某人為榜樣的英文用法:

  • 我一直以我的父親為榜樣,他教會我什麼是責任和誠實。
    I have always taken my father as a role model; he taught me what responsibility and honesty are.

  • 很多年輕的運動員以李小龍為榜樣,因為他的武術技巧和毅力。
    Many young athletes take Bruce Lee as a role model for his martial arts skills and determination.

  • 瑪麗以歐普拉·溫芙蕾為榜樣,並渴望成為一名成功的電視主持人。
    Mary takes Oprah Winfrey as a role model and aspires to become a successful TV host.

  • 在科學領域,阿爾伯特·愛因斯坦是許多人的榜樣。
    In the field of science, Albert Einstein is taken as a role model by many.

  • 他以成功的企業家們為榜樣,開始了自己的創業之旅。
    He takes successful entrepreneurs as role models and embarks on his own entrepreneurial journey.

  • 她以媽媽為榜樣,致力於成為一名傑出的教育家。
    She takes her mother as a role model and is dedicated to becoming an outstanding educator.

  • 許多音樂家以貝多芬為榜樣,並受到他的作品的啟發。
    Many musicians take Beethoven as a role model and are inspired by his compositions.

  • 他以前輩警察為榜樣,努力保護和服務社區。
    He takes senior police officers as role models, striving to protect and serve the community.

  • 她以環保活動家為榜樣,並投身於保護地球的行動。
    She takes environmental activists as role models and commits herself to actions protecting the Earth.

  • 作為一名作家,他以莎士比亞為榜樣。
    As a writer, he takes Shakespeare as a role model.

  • 那些關心人權的人通常以曼德拉為榜樣。
    Those who care about human rights often take Nelson Mandela as a role model.

  • 他以古代哲學家為榜樣,深入研究哲學。
    He takes ancient philosophers as role models and delves into philosophy.

  • 她以佛洛伊德為榜樣,研究心理學。
    She takes Freud as a role model and studies psychology.

  • 作為一個舞者,她以瑪麗亞.卡列拉斯為榜樣。
    As a dancer, she takes Maria Callas as a role model.

  • 他以華倫·巴菲特為榜樣,學習投資策略。
    He takes Warren Buffett as a role model to learn investment strategies.

  • 那位畫家以梵谷為榜樣,發展自己的畫風。
    The painter takes Van Gogh as a role model to develop his own style of painting.

  • 他以史蒂夫·賈伯斯為榜樣,創新科技產品。
    He takes Steve Jobs as a role model for innovating technology products.

  • 她以蘇珊·柯林斯為榜樣,開始寫自己的小說。
    She takes Suzanne Collins as a role model and begins writing her own novels.

  • 很多人以聯合國秘書長潘基文為榜樣,為世界和平而努力。
    Many take Ban Ki-moon, the former UN Secretary-General, as a role model in striving for world peace.

  • 那些熱愛足球運動的人,往往以梅西為榜樣。
    Those passionate about soccer often take Lionel Messi as a role model.

look up to someone

「Look up to someone」是一個英文片語,用來表示一個人對另一個人抱有高度的敬意和欽佩,並且可能把他們視為一個榜樣或者是一個值得學習的對象。

Look up


To someone


因此,當這些部分結合在一起,look up to someone 意味著你尊敬並欽佩某個人,通常是因為他們展示了你視為值得效仿的特質或成就。


這個片語在英語中非常常見,用於表達敬意和欽佩。以下為 20 筆使用 look up to someone 的中文、英文雙語例句。

  • 我一直很敬佩我的祖父,因為他是一個很有智慧的人。
    I’ve always looked up to my grandfather because he is a very wise man.

  • 許多年輕的籃球選手敬佩麥可·喬丹。
    Many young basketball players look up to Michael Jordan.

  • 我敬佩任何努力工作以實現夢想的人。
    I look up to anyone who works hard to achieve their dreams.

  • 她敬佩那些為社會公正而戰的活動家。
    She looks up to activists who fight for social justice.

  • 我的弟弟非常敬佩火星車工程師,希望有一天能成為其中一員。
    My little brother looks up to Mars rover engineers and hopes to become one someday.

  • 作為一名女性企業家,她敬佩雪柔·桑德伯格的成就。
    As a female entrepreneur, she looks up to Sheryl Sandberg for her accomplishments.

  • 我敬佩那些無私幫助他人的人。
    I look up to those who selflessly help others.

  • 那位年輕的畫家很李奧納多·達文西。
    The young painter looks up to Leonardo da Vinci.

  • 在音樂上,很多人敬佩約翰·藍儂的創作才華。
    In music, many people look up to John Lennon for his creative talent.

  • 我一直敬佩尼爾·阿姆斯壯,因为他是第一个踏上月球的人。
    I have always looked up to Neil Armstrong for being the first man on the moon.

  • 學生們很敬佩那位克服困難贏得數學競賽的同學。
    The students look up to the classmate who overcame difficulties to win the math competition.

  • 我敬佩那些以正直和誠實待人的人。
    I look up to people who conduct themselves with integrity and honesty.

  • 許多小女孩敬佩像馬拉拉·尤沙夫賽這樣的女權倡導者。
    Many young girls look up to women’s rights advocates like Malala Yousafzai.

  • 她非常敬佩職業女性,並以她們為榜樣。
    She looks up to professional women and takes them as role models.

  • 我敬佩那些為保護環境付出努力的人。
    I look up to those who make efforts to protect the environment.

  • 在文學上,很多作家敬佩珍·奧斯丁的風格。
    In literature, many writers look up to Jane Austen for her style.

  • 他敬佩那些勇於面對挑戰的人。
    He looks up to individuals who have the courage to face challenges.

  • 很多年輕科學家敬佩史蒂芬·霍金的智慧和成就。
    Many young scientists look up to Stephen Hawking for his wisdom and accomplishments.

  • 他非常敬佩那些在醫學領域做出重大貢獻的人。
    He looks up to those who have made significant contributions in the field of medicine.

  • 在電影領域,很多新進演員敬佩梅莉·史翠普的演技。
    In the film industry, many aspiring actors look up to Meryl Streep for her acting prowess.

在這些例子中,look up to someone 揭示了一種對某人的深刻尊敬,這往往是因為他們在某個領域或生活方面的卓越表現。


還記得 Terry 在之前的文章中提過 take a leaf from 這個片語嗎?這個片語字面上看起來是從某人之處拿走一片樹葉,衍生出以某人為榜樣的意思喔!快點過去看看吧。



  • take someone as a role model
  • look up to someone

說明其中表示對某人抱有敬意和欽佩的意思,並提供了 40 個中英雙語例句。這些例句展示了不同情境下,如何使用這兩個片語,包括敬佩家人、朋友、公眾人物、職業人士等。另外,別忘了看看另一個表達以某人為榜樣的片語,take a leaf from,可以大大提升寫文章時的豐富度喔!

最後修改日期: 2023-07-05



